Friday found us back in the office chatting over steaming mugs of fresh ground Sumatran beans, moist chocolate cookies and a tasty snack mix.

Herein are musings from the Forum:
N., on the north end of the hall, not only provided the wonderful chocolate cookies and snack mix we all enjoyed but contributed these thoughts about the Wednesday party:
Favorite moment: Talking about our favorite Christmas movies/shows, even though S. and V. didn’t have one.
Favorite food: dessert – who knew you could put three different kinds of cookie in one ice cream? (Blue Bell Christmas Cookie . . . yum!)
Favorite thing about parties: laughing with friends.
M., on the south end, said:
The Christmas tree, decorated with so many memories of L’s childhood, was an inspiration. Our family tradition has been one new ornament each year, but I now want to incorporate this idea, with that new ornament representing a special memory. I was browsing Pinterest last night and found another inspiration! This year’s ornament is going to be homemade…a clear glass ball filled with sand and sea shells to remind us all of our wonderful family vacation in Virginia Beach! It will be a reminder of how blessed that time together was and keep us smiling until the next time we can all be together again. And, for our precious grandson there just may be a few clear glass balls filled with snowflakes and photos of his far away grandparents loving on him.

I am so blessed to work with such wonderful people. They are always there for me. I look forward to Friday Coffee Break every week. It is so fun to try new recipes and chat and relax for a spell!
M., in the front office, comments on both occasions:
I love the holiday conversations. I learn about so many different traditions that all of us have. I love S.’s Christmas tree which is a walk through her families past. It’s like a huge scrapbook. C.’s family opens one present every hour. How much fun keeping the excitement throughout the whole day! What we did when the kids where home is, between the 7 of them, draw names out of a hat and go to Wal-mart-give each child $20.00 dollars and they shopped for their secret brother or sister's gift. They enjoyed this so much. Plus, this helped me out since I really hate shopping!
Another topic today was personal space issues that come up when we go out to a store or are waiting in line somewhere. C.’s idea of envisioning a hula hoop around you, to mark as your own area to stay in, was fantastic.
Of course the chocolate cookies were fantastic, thank you N. and also getting a new recipe for a party mix from N.’s mom. They were both delicious!
Those of us in the Friday Forum appreciate you stopping by and sharing our fun. Please take a moment and comment on a Christmas favorite for you, your family or your workplace.
Wishing you and your family/office a very Merry Christmas and successful New Year!
Pictures from:
Sounds like the party was a hit! Hope you all have a Merry Merry Christmas!!!!
ReplyDeleteA Christmas favorite for me is going to my mom's friend's Christmas Even party each year--she has the best food, and it's just so much fun! :)