Wednesday, June 15, 2011

W00T! My First Blogger Award

Thanks to Barb over at God Whispers in My Ear for passing the Versatile Blogger Award on to me. 
7 things about me:

1.  I love to bake but cook only out of necessity.
2.  Grocery shopping is my least favorite domestic chore. 
3.  My favorite domestic chore is laundry.
4.  I love to work in the yard and be outside.
5.  I am a fan of Sonic Drive-in.
6.  I welcome birthdays.
7.  Life long learning is a must.

7 worthy bloggers to pass this award to include, but are not limited to:

Terri over at Terri Tiffany Inspirational Writer
Abby over at my MARFAlous Life
Katina over at Rae of Light
Suzanne over at Window on the Prairie
Donna over at Donna's Book Pub
Loren over at Wright's Party of Three
Peggy over at Musings of Meggie


  1. Congratulations on your award! I hate grocery shopping too!

  2. Very proud of my Lil Sister! I can attest to her baking skills, a favorite is the chocolate chip cookies! She can welcome birthdays because she NEVER looks a year older.

  3. Sally, I collect cookbooks-not to cook, just to read them:)
